Measurement of tumor size is important in preclinical animal studies, when assessing responses to cancer treatment. Sequential measurements of tumor volume with a non-invasive method are essential. The current standard technique for volume determination of subcutaneously xenografted tumors is measuring the length and the width of a tumor with a caliper.
However, caliper measurements are prone to error due to e.g. variability in tumor shape, skin thickness, observer subjectivity and compressibility of the tumor. When using the caliper methodology only length L and width W of the tumor are measured, the real height of the tumor often is not. The volume is afterwards calculated with the formula 0,5xLxW² as if every tumor has a nice geometrical ellipsoidal shape. In reality tumor shapes vary a lot and determining what is the length and what is the width of the tumor is done arbitrary. After conducting the measurements no verification with respect to the quality of data gathering is possible since raw pictures of the measured tumor are not available.
Peira’s TM900 is an innovative, non-invasive, accurate and easy to use handheld device for measuring tumor volume in subcutaneous mouse xenografts in vivo. The measurement is done by taking 3 D picture of the tumor that allows to extract the real shape and volume of the tumor volume protruding from the skin. The algorithm calculates the height of the tumor at each position above the skin ground plane resulting in a more accurate measurement of the real volume. The raw data and pictures of the measurement are automatically stored together with the volumes calculated by the algorithm, an important benefit with respect to traceability and reliability of the experiment outcome.
Why the TP 900?
- Non-invasive and Accurate: It provides a non-invasive method to measure tumor volume in subcutaneous mouse xenografts, reducing the variability and subjectivity associated with traditional caliper measurements.
- 3D Imaging: The device uses stereo vision to acquire high-resolution 3D images of the tumor, allowing for precise volume estimations, especially for oddly shaped or thin tumors.
- Comprehensive Data Management: The TM 900 comes with a touch screen panel PC and measurement software that visualizes tumor topography and automatically calculates important features like height, width, depth, and volume. It also supports data storage, analysis, and management, ensuring robust data follow-up and quality assurance.
- Ease of Use: The handheld device is user-friendly, making it easy to perform sequential measurements over time by simply positioning the nozzle over the tumor area and pressing a button.
- Versatility: Different sized nozzles are available to accommodate a wide range of tumor sizes, making the device versatile for various experimental needs
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